Want to know more about an IPL than simply the date and time of the last IPL? Sometimes, the information provided by system values is just not sufficient. For instance,
- Did your last IPL take longer than usual?
- Did you recently apply PTFs and wanted to know how long that IPL step took?
- Need to know how long your system spent doing journal recovery?
- Need to know how long it actually takes to "power down"?
By making a simple program call, you can get a spool file that shows your last
power-down and IPL in full detail - Every system reference code and sub-code
is shown, along with the date and timestamp it was issued.
This program runs very quickly, and does not issue any messages. It produces
a QPSRVDMP spool file of about 15-20 pages. Look beyond column 85 for the
information you need. Here's a sample :
*XPF PWRDWN 10/25/08 07:14:20*
* D900 2740 10/25/08 07:14:21*
* D900 2750 10/25/08 07:14:22*
* D900 2770 10/25/08 07:14:22*
* D900 2780 10/25/08 07:14:22*
* D900 2790 10/25/08 07:14:22*
* D900 27C0 10/25/08 07:14:22*
*End PWRDWN 10/25/08 07:14:25*
*XPF IPL 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* C900 2810 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* C900 2820 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* 10 20 0010 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* 10 20 0020 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* 10 30 0010 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* 10 30 0020 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* 10 30 0030 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* 10 30 0040 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* 10 30 0050 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* 10 3A 0010 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* C900 2830 10/25/08 12:40:05*
Disclaimer: Vision Solutions makes every effort to provide accurate system management information and programming code; however the company cannot be held liable for the accuracy of information nor its compatibility in your own environment. Please review and test thoroughly before implementing. © Copyright 2009, Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. IBM, System i, iSeries, i5/OS and AS/400 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other brands are property of their respective registered owners.