02/23/09 Learn more about any IPL process

Want to know more about an IPL than simply the date and time of the last IPL? Sometimes, the information provided by system values is just not sufficient. For instance,

- Did your last IPL take longer than usual?
- Did you recently apply PTFs and wanted to know how long that IPL step took?
- Need to know how long your system spent doing journal recovery?
- Need to know how long it actually takes to "power down"?

By making a simple program call, you can get a spool file that shows your last
power-down and IPL in full detail - Every system reference code and sub-code
is shown, along with the date and timestamp it was issued.


This program runs very quickly, and does not issue any messages. It produces
a QPSRVDMP spool file of about 15-20 pages. Look beyond column 85 for the
information you need. Here's a sample :

*XPF PWRDWN 10/25/08 07:14:20*
* D900 2740 10/25/08 07:14:21*
* D900 2750 10/25/08 07:14:22*
* D900 2770 10/25/08 07:14:22*
* D900 2780 10/25/08 07:14:22*
* D900 2790 10/25/08 07:14:22*
* D900 27C0 10/25/08 07:14:22*
*End PWRDWN 10/25/08 07:14:25*
*XPF IPL 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* C900 2810 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* C900 2820 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* 10 20 0010 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* 10 20 0020 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* 10 30 0010 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* 10 30 0020 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* 10 30 0030 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* 10 30 0040 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* 10 30 0050 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* 10 3A 0010 10/25/08 12:40:05*
* C900 2830 10/25/08 12:40:05*

Disclaimer: Vision Solutions makes every effort to provide accurate system management information and programming code; however the company cannot be held liable for the accuracy of information nor its compatibility in your own environment. Please review and test thoroughly before implementing. © Copyright 2009, Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. IBM, System i, iSeries, i5/OS and AS/400 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other brands are property of their respective registered owners.

2/15/09 Quickly see every physical and logical file on a system

Display the file QSYS/QADBXREF

Caution: Never change anything in this file!

Disclaimer: Vision Solutions makes every effort to provide accurate system management information and programming code; however the company cannot be held liable for the accuracy of information nor its compatibility in your own environment. Please review and test thoroughly before implementing. © Copyright 2009, Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. IBM, System i, iSeries, i5/OS and AS/400 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other brands are property of their respective registered owners.

2/05/09 How to quickly delete multiple unsaved journal receivers

If you need to delete several journal receivers that have not been saved there are several ways to go about it.

If you use OPTION 4 from PDM or WRKOBJ screens you will receive an *INQUIRY message for each unsaved receiver telling you that is has not been saved and asking you to Ignore or Cancel. Deleting the receiver from within the WRKJRNA display will give you the same messages.

There is a quicker way.

From the command line enter
DLTJRNRCV JRNRCV(receiverlib/receivername) DLTOPT(*IGNINQMSG)

The DLTOPT(*IGNINQMSG) parameter will suppress the messages.

Note: You can enter a generic for the receiver name.

Disclaimer: Vision Solutions makes every effort to provide accurate system management information and programming code; however the company cannot be held liable for the accuracy of information nor its compatibility in your own environment. Please review and test thoroughly before implementing. © Copyright 2009, Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. IBM, System i, iSeries, i5/OS and AS/400 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other brands are property of their respective registered owners.