03/25/09 Using the Save While Active command within IBM's BRMS backup management software

The following example is for an SAP application environment that is using an iSeries high availability software product, which is typically used for disaster recovery purposes. Because of this, the tape backup is performed on the replication target (backup) system.

The data library for the SAP environment is being saved with the Save While Active command:

Display Backup Control Group Entries S102XXXX

Group . . . . . . . . . . : R3PRDDATA
Default activity . . . . : *BKUPCY
Text . . . . . . . . . . : Save of R3PRDDATA - High Availability End and Start

Auxiliary Weekly Retain Save SWA
Backup List Storage Activity Object While Message
Seq Items Type Pool Device SMTWTFS Detail Active Queue

The first user exit point in the BRMS Control Group ends the replication data group target processes:

User Exit Maintenance S102XXXX

Type command, press Enter.

Sequence number . . . . . . . : 10
Where used . . . . . . . . . : *EXIT
Weekly activity . . . . . . . : *DFTACT SMTWTFS
Command . . . . . . . . . . . . ENDDG DGDFN(R3PRD) PRC(*ALLTGT)

The second user exit point uses the BRMS MONSWABRM process that watches for the Save While Active checkpoint message. Once the checkpoint message is received, the replication data group target side processes are restarted:

User Exit Maintenance S102XXXX

Type command, press Enter.

Sequence number . . . . . . . : 20
Where used . . . . . . . . . : *EXIT
Weekly activity . . . . . . . : *DFTACT SMTWTFS
Command . . . . . . . . . . . . MONSWABRM LIB(R3PRDDATA) CMD(STRDG DGDFN(R3PRD)) WAITMSG(7200)

Vision Solutions makes every effort to provide accurate system management information and programming code; however the company cannot be held liable for the accuracy of information nor its compatibility in your own environment. Please review and test thoroughly before implementing. © Copyright 2009, Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. IBM, System i, iSeries, and AS/400 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other brands are property of their respective registered owners.

03/16/09 Two ways to see what is using disk space

Method #1

Use the commands: RTVDSKINF and PRTDSKINF. The retrieve command will build a file that can then be printed with the print command by *LIB, *FLR, *OWN, *OBJ, *SYS

Method #2
Run a query on file QAEZDISK for more granular detail.

Still another method can be found at the blog post located at: http://visionsolutionsinc.blogspot.com/2008/04/easy-way-to-figure-out-what-is-eating.html

Disclaimer: Vision Solutions makes every effort to provide accurate system management information and programming code; however the company cannot be held liable for the accuracy of information nor its compatibility in your own environment. Please review and test thoroughly before implementing. © Copyright 2008, Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. IBM, System i, iSeries, and AS/400 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other brands are property of their respective registered owners.

3/6/09 How to change System Request options

Although what is displayed on the System Request menu screen isn't easy to change, it easy to change what the options shown on that screen actually do.

The commands executed by the system request menu are stored in a message called CPX2313, which is located in QSYS/QCPFMSG. Keep in mind that the commands are not exactly in order, so you have to be careful with making changes to this message file.

Use the command DSPMSGD CPX2313 and you will see see how easy it is to change, for instance, DSPJOB to WRKJOB.

Caution: Whenever you make changes to CPX2313 it is important to remember the change is a global one and should not be used lightly!

Disclaimer: Vision Solutions makes every effort to provide accurate system management information and programming code; however the company cannot be held liable for the accuracy of information nor its compatibility in your own environment. Please review and test thoroughly before implementing. © Copyright 2009, Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. IBM, System i, iSeries, i5/OS and AS/400 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other brands are property of their respective registered owners.