4/27/09 - How to delete a specifc relative record if the file is keyed

You can delete a specific relative record number when a file is keyed and the UPDDTA command can’t do it. Simply use normal OS/400 SQL and run the following:

delete from LIBRARY/FILENAME A where RRN(A) = 3

The above example deletes RRN number 3. Just replace LIBRARY and FILENAME with library and file names the ‘A’ after file name is needed. Then change the 3 at the end to be the actual RRN number you want to delete.

You may want to use a ‘select’ statement first to ensure you have the right record, here’s an example of that:

select * from LIBRARY/FILENAME A where RRN(A) = 3

Disclaimer:Vision Solutions makes every effort to provide accurate system management information and programming code; however the company cannot be held liable for the accuracy of information nor its compatibility in your own environment. Please review and test thoroughly before implementing. © Copyright 2009, Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. Vision Solutions develops and sells iSeries high availability and AIX replication and clustering solutions. IBM, System i, iSeries, and AS/400 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other brands are property of their respective registered owners.

4/17/09 - How to view the contents of user spaces

You can easily display contents of a *USRSPC by using the EDTF command. Here is a sample syntax:

EDTF STMF('qsys.lib/yourlib.lib/yourusrspc.usrspc')

Disclaimer:Vision Solutions makes every effort to provide accurate system management information and programming code; however the company cannot be held liable for the accuracy of information nor its compatibility in your own environment. Please review and test thoroughly before implementing. © Copyright 2009, Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. Vision Solutions develops and sells iSeries high availability and AIX replication and clustering solutions. IBM, System i, iSeries, and AS/400 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other brands are property of their respective registered owners.

4/06/09 - The menu of menus

Don't remember what a menu is called?

Why not use the "menu of menus?"

The WRKMNU command will display menus alphabetically. They can be displayed by library and/or generically. You can even create a new menu, change an existing one or delete it right from the screen.

Disclaimer:Vision Solutions makes every effort to provide accurate system management information and programming code; however the company cannot be held liable for the accuracy of information nor its compatibility in your own environment. Please review and test thoroughly before implementing. © Copyright 2009, Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. IBM, System i, iSeries, and AS/400 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other brands are property of their respective registered owners.