The System i Management Tips blog brings over 80 useful tips from Vision technicians.
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You may want to determine what jobs or objects are responsible for generating journal entries in a journal's receiver chain, for example, if you notice that many receivers are being created for the journal.
To determine what jobs or objects are responsible for generating journal entries in a journal's receiver chain, create an outfile from the DSPJRN command and run an SQL query on the outfile:
1. Create the outfile by running one of the following DSPJRN commands:
Is CMN01 a V.32 interface on your source and an ethernet port on your target? That can prevent device descriptions from replicating properly.
You can change the resource names so that they match, by using system service tools (SST). You may have to juggle a bit and create temporary resource names in order to move things around (because you can’t have duplicates), but with a little work, you can match up the important ones.
Enter system service tools with the STRSST command (you must have *SERVICE special authority, and you’ll need a user name and password for SST (it’s different from your regular login).
From the SYSTEM SERVICE TOOLS (SST) menu, select option 1 (START A SERVICE TOOL)
Use option 1 (PACKAGING HARDWARE RESOURCES) and drill down to help you find resource names attached to your hardware
To rename a resource:
Enter the existing name for the resource on the prompt
Use option 2 (CHANGE DETAIL) to give the resource a new name
This way, you can make CMN01 match on both source and target, and easily replicate the configuration of the v.32 line, and all the associated controllers and devices. Make sure you’re not using any of the resources you’re changing, and when you do change them, make certain your existing devices and controllers are updated with the right resource names.
If you use the ENDJOBABN command to end an active job that just won’t go away after the ENDJOB is issued, you need to be aware of the longer term impact of using this command.
When you use ENDJOBABN, a marker is set in the system that causes the next IPL to be considered an "abnormal" IPL – that is – the system will behave as if it ended abnormally, instead of in a controlled fashion from a PWRDWNSYS. This means that the first IPL you do after an ENDJOBABN will take longer than a normal IPL.
This is important to remember, because if you only IPL monthly or even less frequently, you might be surprised by the impact of an ENDJOBABN issued weeks prior.
1. Start the configuration of a new 5250 session. The System name should be the name of your system (or IP address) that you want this printer to be available to.
2. Specify a workstation ID as the name of the printer. (This will also be the OUTQ name on the iSeries.)
3. Select the “Type of Emulation,” to be “Printer”
4. Accept remainder of defaults and press “OK”. Your session should display a window to say “Ready,” and “Online.”
The printer session will print to the default windows computer associated with the computer that the printer was configured from. To change this printer, simply open up the 5250 printer session, from the “File” menu, select “Printer Setup,” and select a different printer.
To print to this printer from the iSeries, do the following:
1. Locate the spool file on the iSeries that you wish to print.
2. Use option 2 “Change” to modify the field “Printer” and key in the exact name of the printer.
3. To find the status of this spooled file, go to WRKOUTQ and replace XYZ with the name of your printer.
Note: The 5250 printer session must be active (emulator status of “Online,” and “Ready) in order for the printer to be used from the iSeries.
To change the message logging level, and thus gather more logging information on any job, you need to access and change the job parameters per one of the following:
- To change your own interactive job, enter the CHGJOB command, then press F4.
- To change another interactive job: Locate the job using WRKACTJOB SBS(subsystem), use OPTION 2 next to the job, press F4.
- To change a submitted job: Put the JOBQ on HLD status temporarily (WRKJOBQ jobqname, OPTION 3 to HOLD), submit the job, use WRKJOBQ OPTION 5 to “Work With JOBQ,” and use OPTION 2, press F4.
*CAUTION* Holding the JOBQ will hold all jobs being submitted into that JOBQ for the duration that the JOBQ is actually on hold. Once the message level is changed, it is critical to release the JOBQ.)
Once the interactive or batch job is identified, and the OPTION 2 “Change,” menu has been entered, do the following:
1) Press F10 for further detail.
2) Modify the parameters as follows: Message Logging: Level 4, Severity 00, Text *SECLVL, Log CL Program Commands *YES, press enter.
3) Release the JOBQ. (WRKJOBQ jobqname, OPTION 6 “Release”
*Note* The message level will only remain for the job it was changed for, and would need to be repeated anytime it is needed unless further measures are taken to change the Job Description, in which doing so affects all jobs that utilize that Job Description.
Employment at Vision Solutions. Vision Solutions seeks experienced IBM i (i5/OS) and AIX technical and support personnel. To learn more and see available openings click here