11/20/09 Simplify replication of devices between two systems by matching hardware resource names

Is CMN01 a V.32 interface on your source and an ethernet port on your target? That can prevent device descriptions from replicating properly.

You can change the resource names so that they match, by using system service tools (SST). You may have to juggle a bit and create temporary resource names in order to move things around (because you can’t have duplicates), but with a little work, you can match up the important ones.

Enter system service tools with the STRSST command (you must have *SERVICE special authority, and you’ll need a user name and password for SST (it’s different from your regular login).

  • From the SYSTEM SERVICE TOOLS (SST) menu, select option 1 (START A SERVICE TOOL)
  • From the START A SERVICE TOOL menu, select option 7 (HARDWARE SERVICE MANAGER)
  • Use option 1 (PACKAGING HARDWARE RESOURCES) and drill down to help you find resource names attached to your hardware
  • To rename a resource:
    2. Enter the existing name for the resource on the prompt
    3. Use option 2 (CHANGE DETAIL) to give the resource a new name

This way, you can make CMN01 match on both source and target, and easily replicate the configuration of the v.32 line, and all the associated controllers and devices. Make sure you’re not using any of the resources you’re changing, and when you do change them, make certain your existing devices and controllers are updated with the right resource names.

Disclaimer: Vision Solutions makes every effort to provide accurate system management information and programming code; however the company cannot be held liable for the accuracy of information nor its compatibility in your own environment. Please review and test thoroughly before implementing. © Copyright 2009, Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. Vision Solutions develops and sells iSeries high availability and AIX replication and clustering solutions. IBM, System i, iSeries, and AS/400 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other brands are property of their respective registered owners.

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