7/28/08 Using the System Request menu.

The System Request menu is basically a shortcut screen that allows you to access some commonly used commands without leaving the your current screen.

Accessing the System Request menu can be done in a variety of ways depending on your environment and emulation program. Common ways are: pressing the SHIFT and SysRq keys together, or if using PC emulation, right clicking your mouse and selecting ‘SysRq’ from the pop-up window.

Transfer to secondary display session.
Choosing Option 1 will give you a second sign on for the same session, but there is a caveat: once you start another session the first one is paused and it will not resume until you go back to it. This is important to remember if you are running an interactive query, compile, etc.

Cancel a display session
To cancel out the display session that your are viewing, use Option 2.

Display user messages
User messages for your log-on profile can be seen by selecting Option 4. From there you can also manage the messages (i.e. remove all or selected messages).

View System Operator messages (QSYSOPR) To display the system operator messages use Option 6. It takes you right to the QSYSOPR messages screen. This is particularly useful if your display session is running a program and receives an error message that needs to be answered.

View current job information
See your current job information by selecting option 7. This is particularly useful if you need to see job names and job numbers. If you have second display session running, you can see that job information too.

Disclaimer: Vision Solutions makes every effort to provide accurate system management information and programming code; however the company cannot be held liable for the accuracy of information nor its compatibility in your own environment. Please review and test thoroughly before implementing. © Copyright 2008, Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. IBM, System i, iSeries, and AS/400 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other brands are property of their respective registered owners.

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